HP-UX Systems Administration

		(Day to day management operations and functions)


    	This course will teach the commands and methods needed to setup
    	and manage an HP-UX / Unix system.  The course will also use a
    	problem solving approach in the lab exercises to teach system
    	administrators advanced topics, for long-term mangement of the system.	      

    	Specifically tailored for systems: HP-UX  Version 11i v3  (11.31)

               Hardware platforms: PA-RISC, Integrity


    	On completion of this course, a system manager should be able to
    	install, update, and boot the Unix operating system;  set up
    	user accounts and directories;  prepare queues for use; perform
   	 backups for integrity and performance reasons; monitor the system
   	 for performance and do basic setup of network software and capabilities.


		Advanced System Concepts for System Administrators
                    		Process concepts
                    		Shell command usage and review
                    		Optimizing system help information
		   	System administrator functions
			System administration tools
				command line
				System Management Homepage (SMH)
				System Insight Manager (SIM)
		    	Using the root account

		System Installation and Updating
		    	Installation types and methods
                    		Installing the HP-UX operating system
                    		Rebuilding/reconfiguring the HP-UX kernel
				Dynamic Root Disk (DRD)
                	Startup and Shutdown
                		Default bootstrap
		    	Boot to single-user mode
		    	Startup methods and procedures
                    		Shutdown procedures

		Managing of System Users
                    		UID and GID concepts
                    		Creation of a user account
                    		Controlling access by groups
                    		Login sequence
		    	Setting up user environment files
                    		Using and maintaining user login files

		Managing Printer Queues
                    		Creation of an execution print queue
                    		Commands to manipulate queues
                    		Commands to manipulate jobs in queues

		Managing Disk and Tape Volumes
                    		Commands to manipulate disks/filesystems
			Using LVM and VxFs on HP-UX
                   		Commands to manipulate tape volumes:
                      			tar utility
		      		cpio utility
		      		dump and restore utilities
				fbackup and frestore utilities

		Customizing HP-UX
			Startup of the system
			login procedures
			layout and procedures in the CDE 

		Monitoring System Activity
                    		Informational Utilities
                    		The vmstat utility
                   		The iostat utility
                    		The sar utility 
		    	The netstat utility

		Maintaining System Integrity
		    	Login and user accounting
		   	Command/process level accounting
		    	Using cron tables

		Network Setup and Configuration
		    	TCP/IP address selection
		    	Host names and related files
		    	Configuring network devices
		    	Network testing with ping
		    	Network utilities: telnet,rlogin, rcp, rsh/remsh


    	This course normally requires five (5) days, approximately 60%
   	lecture, and 40% lab time.


    	It is assumed that the student has successfully completed the
    	Fundamentals of HP-UX course, or has equivalent system 
    	time as a user.

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